U Need Water
Water In A Bag https://youtu.be/1KCVTsedhbg
Water In A Bag https://youtu.be/1KCVTsedhbg
What Should Your pH Levels & Balance Be? Blood pH levels should be between 7.35 to 7.45. PH Balance is the balance of acid and alkaline in all fluids and cells. Our bodies are alkaline by design, and acid by function. The human body’s metabolic process is naturally acid producing. Proper balance between alkaline […]
How Much Water Do We Need? Water intake has to be consistent and plentiful.Sleep depletes the body of water balance, proper hydration prior to sleep and upon waking up is essential for one’s health and well-being.Water can boost energy levels by consuming the daily recommended glasses of water (4-8 depending on age, weight, and physical activity). […]